Adults Bed Wetting The Secret Shame}

Adults Bed Wetting – The Secret Shame


Pat Miller..

Bed wetting is obviously quite common in developing children who are potty training and still lack the physical control and psychological cues needed to always recognize a need to go to the bathroom. There is no lack of books, training videos and websites devoted to solutions, suggestions and products designed for children who wet their beds.

Adults who involuntarily wet themselves during sleep often feel embarrassed and afraid to mention their problem to anyone, even their own doctor. This is an unfortunate mistake.


Both adult men and women can suffer from uncontrollable bed wetting and it’s often a confusing and painful ailment to admit to a doctor. Adults who wet the bed may be awaken by their condition or sleep through it entirely and only learn of their problems when they awaken.

There are two distinct types of adult bed wetters. They are loosely broken into people who have wet their beds all their lives and people who have only started wetting their beds after a long period (years) of dryness.

Adults who wet their beds over their lifetimes are said to suffer from primary nocturnal enuresis, which is often consider the more difficult type of adult bed wetting to treat. It often leads to psychological problems and low-self esteem.

Adult onset enuresis, or secondary nocturnal enuresis, is a type of bed wetting which adults are said to suffer from when they develop their habits later in life and have not spent their entire lives suffering.

The causes of adult bed wetting are numerous, from physical abnormalities, to undiagnosed internal injuries, to bladder cancer to over anxiety and emotional stress. Certain medications may also cause adults to wet their beds when they never had issues before. Even excessive alcohol and caffeine can affect the chances of an adult urinating in his or her sleep, especially as one gets older.

Talking to your doctor about your bed wetting issues is one way ensure your health. Treatment could be as simple as a few behavioral changes, or you could undergo tests for a more serious condition.

Adult bed wetting is a serious condition which could be the first sign of a serious health problem. Bladder cancer, diabetes or an unknown internal injury are all different causes of adult bed wetting in some cases. When in doubt, see a doctor!

No matter what

type of adult bed wetting

you suffer from there could be an easy and effective cure waiting for you. Informing your

doctor about your bedwetting issues

could improve your life.

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Adults Bed Wetting – The Secret Shame}