Document Destruction Tips Keeping Your Sensitive Information Secure

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By Adrianna Noton
Crimes such as bank fraud, identity theft, and corporate espionage are on the rise with more cases being reported everyday. A big cause of such crimes is document theft. For this reason, it is vital that every business and individual take measures to keep their sensitive information secure when destroying documents.
Many governments, including the US and Canada, have laws regarding the proper way of destroying documents in order to keep them out of the hands of criminals. It has become a legal necessity to employ a professional with the right security process and shredding machine that will ensure secure document disposal. If not, the consequences can be lawsuits, loss of business, loss of reputation, corporate espionage, and serious financial penalties for failing to comply with government regulations.
Small home and office shredders are not effective at properly shredding papers. Often the remains are strips of paper that can be easily put back together. As well, throwing papers in the garbage is risky because of dumpster divers. The best way to ensure privacy and security when disposing of sensitive documents is to a hire a professional document shredding company. Companies and organizations can hire a document shredding company to provide either on-site or off-site shredding services. It is the safest and most secure way to shred sensitive documents.
With on-site shredding, the document destruction company dispatches a special secure truck to your location. On the truck there is an industrial shredding machine. The company’s trained representatives will retrieve the special locked containers that have been provided to place your sensitive documents. They will dump the documents into the shredder and you can watch through a CCTV. The shredding machine thoroughly destroys the documents with remains being confetti. You can arrange on-site shredding at a time that is convenient for you and you can set up a regular shredding schedule such as weekly, biweekly, and monthly. After every schedule shredding session, the company will provide you with a shredding certificate called a ‘Certificate of Destruction’. The time and date the documents were destroyed is also noted. The certificate provides liability protection as it is proof you have shredded the confidential documents in a secure manner.
When you use an off-site shredding service, the company follows the same security process as on-site shredding process. However, they will take the documents to their facility for shredding. There are security cameras installed at their facility for viewing of the shredding process. With bother services, the shredded remains are taken to a recycling facility.
Document shredding services keeps your business efficient and secure. As well, your business will save money as it is very expensive to set up and maintain a shredding process in-house. The shredding services provided by document destruction companies are very affordable and the costs should be just about everyone’s operational budget. It is also a very eco-friendly way to dispose of papers. Document shredding services are essential service needed to protect private personal and financial information of organizations and individuals.
About the Author: Searching for paper shredding San Francisco or document shredding services? Then trust the experts and make sure your San Diego document shredding services provider is certified by the National Association for Information Destruction.
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